FAQs: Professional Ayurvedic Continuing Education Requirements

Q: How many PACE credits do I need?
A: Professional Members are required to complete a total of 30 credits each 2-year cycle.

Q: When does a 2-year PACE period start?
A: PACE runs in 2-year cycles. Each cycle begins on January 1 of an even year (e.g., 1/1/2022) and ends on December 31 of the following odd year (e.g., 12/31/23). Please note that the 2020-2021 PACE cycle deadline was extended to June 2022 as an exception, however, this does not affect the start and end date of the 2022-2023 PACE cycle.

Q: How do I keep track of my PACE credits?
A: You may view your PACE Credits through your NAMA account by doing the following:
(1) Login to your NAMA account.
(2) Under the heading "Content & Features", select "Professional Development".
(3) Select the “Certifications/Programs” tab (located next to the “Jounral Entries” tab).
(4) An outline of your earned PACE credits will display, scroll to the bottom of the page for the current PACE cycle credits.

Q: How do I earn PACE credits?
A: You may earn credit in any of the following ways:
- NAMA ethics quiz (mandatory for Professional Members) = 2 credits
- Topics in Ayurveda = 28 credits max
- Topics in Sister-Sciences = 15 credits max
- Topics in Wellness = 10 credits max
- Teaching Ayurveda = 20 credits max
- Publishing in Ayurveda = 28 credits max
- Volunteering in health care = 28 credits max

Click here to see the list of recommended PACE programs.

Q :What is the NAMA Ethics Exam?
A: The ethics exam is a 20-question quiz that all Professional Members of NAMA must pass every two years in order to receive their 2 required PACE Ethics credits. The exam, which takes about 15 minutes to complete tests Professional Members' knowledge of the NAMA Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, which all Professional Members must agree to follow.

Q: How do I take the NAMA Ethics Exam?
A: Click here to take the ethics exam.

Q: May I receive credit for courses not taught by PACE Providers or courses not listed on the NAMA website?
A: Yes. We encourage Professional Members to earn their PACE credits from PACE Listed courses, but credits may be earned from non-PACE (i.e., non-listed) workshops, seminars, conferences and courses. To receive credits for non-PACE programs, submit your credits in the “Non-Listed” categories.

Q: Are online PACE programs available?
A: Yes. PACE Listed courses include live seminars/workshops, as well as online programs. See the list of recommended PACE Listed courses.

Q:What counts as "Topics in Ayurveda" (TIA)?
A: Classes in Ayurvedic practice management, Ayurvedic patient/client support, Ayurvedic approach to specific disease conditions, Ayurvedic bodywork, Ayurvedic Philosophy, Ayurvedic body therapies and Ayurvedic cooking are examples of "Topics in Ayurveda" courses.

Q: What counts as "Topics in Wellness" (TIW)?
A: "Topics in Wellness" (TIW) includes health care topics outside Ayurveda such as CPR, Chinese/Western herbal studies, nutrition, mind-body medicine, bodywork, psychology, and midwifery. TIW also includes business courses.

Q: What counts as "Topics in Sister-Science" (TIS)?
A: "Topics in Sister-Science" (TIS) includes topics that are considered a sister-science to Ayurveda such as Yoga, Jyotish, and/or Vastu.

Q: Who is exempt from the PACE requirement?
A: New Professional Members who join after the first 6 months of a 2-year PACE cycle are exempt from the 28-course credit requirement during their first PACE cycle. These new members must still pass their Ethics Quiz, which must be taken and passed by all Professional Members, regardless of when they joined.

Q: Once all my PACE credits are completed and submitted, will I automatically receive a notification confirming that I am done?
A: No. When you submit a PACE credit form, NAMA staff manually reviews the status of your PACE requirement and then, if your PACE requirement is complete, e-mails you a confirmation that your PACE requirement is complete. Also, near the end of each PACE cycle, NAMA staff creates a list of all members who have not completed their PACE requirement and e-mails them a notification that their PACE requirement has not been completed. You can also check the status of your PACE requirement by following the instructions here: How do I keep track of my PACE credits?

Q: Can I earn credit for being enrolled in a program that will qualify me for a higher level of Professional Membership?
A: Yes, you may earn credit for being enrolled in a program that will qualify you for a higher level of Professional Membership. For example, if you are an AHC who is enrolled in a program that will qualify you for AP, or you are an AP who is enrolled in a program that will qualify you for AD. To earn credit for this type of coursework, please submit a Non-Listed Topics in Ayurveda (TIA) Course Credits Form and be sure to attach a Grade/Report Card and/or an Official Acceptance/Enrollment/Registration Confirmation/Letter.

Q: Can I earn credit for developing a course that will be offered in the future?
A: Credit for Teaching can be earned only for Topic in Ayurveda (TIA). These courses must be offered/presented/published during the current PACE cycle. You cannot receive credit for developing courses, teaching, or publications that will happen in the future.

Q: If I earn credits in excess of my requirement, then can my extra credits be applied to the next PACE cycle?
A: PACE credits earned in excess of the requirement during a PACE cycle cannot roll-over to the next PACE cycle.

Q: Can I earn credit retroactively?
A: No, credits earned can only apply to the PACE cycle in which they are earned. However, if your certification lapses, then you may earn credit retroactively.

Q: When do PACE Credits Expire?
A: PACE credits run in 2-year cycles (e.g., the 2020-2021 PACE cycle starts January 1, 2020 and ends December 31, 2021). Only credits earned within a cycle can be counted for that cycle. Credits earned in excess of the PACE requirement do not roll-over to the next PACE 2-year cycle. So, all credits earned during a PACE cycle will expire at the end of the PACE cycle. When the next PACE cycle begins, all required number of credits must be earned again, starting from zero.

Q: Can I earn credit for working as a teaching assistant?
A: If you worked as a teaching assistant to an Ayurveda course that was a NAMA Professional Membership qualifying course and you were actually in class, then yes.

Q: If I purchased a pre-recorded/self-paced course before the current PACE Cycle, but did not complete it until the current PACE Cycle, then can I still earn credit for it?
A: Yes, you can earn credit for pre-recorded/self-paced coursework that is completed during the current PACE cycle, regardless of when the course was purchased. Credit can only be applied to the cycle in which the pre-recorded/self-paced course was completed.

Q: Can I earn credit for coursework that was completed during a previous PACE cycle?
A: No. Credit can only be applied to the cycle in which it was earned.

Q: If I completed a course that is 1.5 hours, then how many credits do I earn?
A: 1 hour of coursework is equal to 1 credit. If the course you completed is not a whole number, then round up to the nearest whole number. For example, if you completed a course that is 1.5 hours, then you would earn 2 credits.

Becoming a PACE Approved Provider FAQS

Q: Who can become a PACE Provider?
A: All active and current NAMA Professional or Organizational Members are eligible and can qualify to be a NAMAC PACE provider with at least three years of experience as an Ayurvedic professional.

Q: How do I become a PACE Provider?
A: Fill out an application to teach at a level less than or equal to your level of expertise and pay the application fee. Click here to apply to become a PACE Provider.

Q: How do I renew my PACE Providership?
A: To renew your PACE Providership, please begin the application process for the preferred duration. You will see in the beginning of the application that there is an option to renew before filling out the form. Please follow that link to renew.

Q: Can I submit courses for PACE that I teach, but are produced by other businesses?
A: Yes.

Q: How does NAMA calculate the number of credits to assign to a PACE Program?
A: One PACE credit is equal to one clock hour of continuing education, not including breaks. If break time is included the program's hourly schedule, then we subtract break time and round up to the closest hour.

Q: Can I apply to list a non-live course on NAMA’s website?
A: Yes. We have an entire page dedicated to “On-Demand” courses that are listed by our PACE Providers. You can choose to list your course for 6 months or 1 year at a time. Please visit our PACE Listing Application page for more on types of listings and rates.

PACE Providers must comply with the following requirement: To ensure that NAMA members can earn credit for any/all courses in the PACE listing, NAMA will approve only those courses for which the PACE Provider agrees to immediately provide each attendee with a letter/certificate of completion/attendance once the course is completed. If a NAMAC PACE Provider does not provide a letter/certificate of completion/attendance to their attendees, then the course will not be approved for PACE.