Healthy Planet, Healthy People: The role of Ayurveda and the Future of Medicine - Closing Panel (General Track)

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Healthy Planet, Healthy People: The role of Ayurveda and the Future of Medicine - Closing Panel (General Track)


In 2021, year two of a pandemic, the demands on healthcare around the globe couldn’t be greater and more complex. Pausing to consider these challenges it is easy to see that the entire world needs personalized medicine like Ayurveda, now more than ever.

As a medical science, Ayurveda is known for revering and integrating closely with the rhythms of nature. This aspect of Ayurvedic medicine provides a framework to help us further understand how and why the environment has a direct and long-lasting impact on our health.

In this engaging discussion we will explore:
• Ayurvedic medicine as a global leader of health and wellness, providing a model for sustainable, personalized integrative medicine. • The environmental impact on health and how Ayurvedic wisdom provides hope and solutions for a better future. • How to create harmony in our health and the environment so that we can realize a healthy planet inhabited with healthy people.

Duration: 1:29:47

Continuing Education Credit: 2

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