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Ayurveda for the Musculoskeletal System

Course Description:
This course explores in detail the musculoskeletal system from the Ayurvedic perspective including the assessment and treatment. Students learn the causes, signs and symptoms, and pathogenesis, as well as diet, lifestyle, herbal formulas, and other therapies. Disorders explored include Sciatica, Gout, Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis, Low back pain, Cervical Spondilytis, Fibromyalgia, Aneurysm and Goiters.

Course Objectives:
1. Explain the samprapti for each srotas (mamsa and asthi).
2. Demonstrate the relationship and activity of the subdoshas in each srotas.
3. List in Sanskrit and describe in English (at least 8) common roga for each srotas.
4. Categorize purvaroopa, roopa, and nidana/hetu for each roga according to dosha.
5. Determine single herb and classical formulations that can be used for each srotas.
6. Design a chikitsa plan for each srotas. Suggest ahara, vihara (including shodhana and shamana).

Total Hours of Coursework: 12
PACE Credit: 12 credits Topics in Ayurveda

Students in an academic program

Course Dates:
July 13-14th, 2023

Start Time:
2 pm
End Time:
5:30 pm

Name of Faculty Member:
Rucha Kelkar BAMS
Provider/Faculty Bio:
University of Pune, India, Bachelor’s in Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery- January 2001Wadia Hospital, Mumbai, India, Certificate course in Gynecology and Obstetrics - March 2001 California State University, Long Beach, CA, Master’s in Physical Therapy- May 2007College of San Mateo, CA, Certified Yoga Instructor-May 2013College of St. Scholastica, Doctor of Physical Therapy- May 2018Institute of Vedic Astrology, India, Astrology and Medical Astrology Certification (in Progress)

Point of Contact Name:
Jackie Christensen
Point of Contact Email:

Course Registration URL: