Welcome, New Board Members!

We want to thank all that participated in our Board election this year and are so happy to welcome back two current Board members – Wynn Werner and Margrit Mikulis for another three-year cycle and welcome our two newest Board members – Arun Deva and Monica Groover to the team. The new board members officially start on November 1, 2018.

We also want to thank Suhas Kshirsagar for his service to NAMA as a Board member, committee member and an overall supporter of our work. Suhas will be finishing his term on our board as of October 31st. We wish him the absolute best in all his work and endeavors moving forward.

In addition to new board members, we have had a steady stream of new volunteers on committee’s and subcommittee's bringing great energy and ideas to all our ongoing projects. Community involvement is so important to us at NAMA and we encourage those that are interested in volunteering to reach out to our Membership Mgr, Jolynne Flores, anytime. jolynne@ayurvedanama.org

We are finalizing our list of presenters for the 2019 conference by early September and are very excited about how things are shaping up. We want to let you all know that we have a robust pre-conference day with four three hour practicums worth 5 PACE credits each. We will be getting all the details up on the website by the end of September and before our October Early Bird rates begin. STAY POSTED and check your emails and website regularly. 

2018 Election Winners

Submit an Ayurvedic Paper

Ayurvedic Paper

Global Advances in Health and Medicine invites researchers, clinicians, educators, and policy-makers to contribute to this Special Collection by submitting manuscripts that inform the current and potential roles that Ayurveda serve in promoting health and wellness, treating or managing clinical conditions, or reversing chronic disease in different cultures and within various healthcare delivery systems across the world.

The deadline to submit your manuscript is November 30, 2018.
If you are interested in publishing with us, please review the submission guidelines.  

A Note From Our Executive Director


Happy summer and belated July 4th to all!

Well, once again, it is time to select your NAMA Board of Directors. We would not be where we are today without this dedicated volunteer board. Each year four seats on the board open up as we rotate one-third of its membership. This year, we have nine wonderful nominees. All of them have taken the time to serve on various committees and have proven themselves as strong candidates and supporters of NAMA’s work. We are so lucky to have them all.

The strength of this year’s nominees will make it hard to decide which four are your top choices for a role on our board, so take time to review their statements before you vote. You can view this information by clicking on a link in an email that we will send to everyone who was listed as an active member as of May 31, 2018. We will send along a few reminders about the election throughout the month. A minimum voter turnout of 25 percent, or 375, of our members, is required for a valid election. We will announce the election results in mid-August, and the newly elected board members will assume their posts as of November 1, 2018. PLEASE VOTE TODAY, AND REMIND OTHER MEMBERS TO DO SO AS WELL. VOTING ENDS JULY 31ST!

Thank you,

Hilary Garivaltis, AP 
Executive Director

AHCs & APs: Please Take Note Regarding Your Next Dues Payment


The message below only affects AHCs and APs on automatic dues renewal (which is the overwhelming majority of AHCs and APs).
On July 1, dues were raised for Ayurvedic Health Counselors and Ayurvedic Practitioners. Most of you “have”—or now more accurately, “had” your next dues invoice automatically generated. We apologize, but on July 1, for those of you on auto-renew, we had to delete your automatically generated next invoice because it was generated from the old $150 dues level.

If you have not already paid your dues since July 1, when your dues are next due, whether it’s due 7/31/2018, 12/31/2018, or 5/31/2019, we will need you to manually go into your account and pay your dues at that time because at the moment your dues are no longer automatically paid/renewed. You will still get emails reminding you that your dues date is coming up (30-days prior and 7-days prior), but unlike your last dues payment, we will need you to manually go into your account and pay with your credit card. Once you do, your account will reset and begin on auto-renew again with the card you just used.
We apologize for the inconvenience. We triple-checked, but our database provider said these steps are needed.

Board Elections, Cast Your Vote Today!

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The slate for NAMA's 2018 Board of Directors election has nine candidates and just four openings. Cast your vote today! Voting ends Tuesday, July 31, 2018, at 6:00 pm Pacific. Get to know the candidates here

Per NAMA bylaws, the voting process consists of ballots made available to each NAMA member of record in good standing as of June 1, 2018. A minimum of 25% of the membership must vote for the election to be considered legal. Will you vote today? Please note: we have a new website.

If you get an error when you try to login to your Member Profile, try signing out by going to the MEMBER CENTER pull-down tab on the far right and then choose PROFILE LOG-OUT, clear your cache, and then sign back in via the PROFILE LOG-IN tab.

Thank you for your participation!
2018 Elections Committee

Professional Membership Dues Set to Increase


One more FYI - As mentioned in our May 7 email, and our May ENEWS, NAMA dues will be raised as of July 1. All dues will be at the new levels starting on that date. If you have already paid your 2018 dues, you do not need to pay the balance. Dues are not being raised retroactively.

  • Ayurvedic Health Counselor $170
  • Ayurvedic Practitioner $185
  • Ayurvedic Doctor $250