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Jara & Rasayana - Aging & Rejuvenating Therapies

Course Topic:
TIA (Topics in Ayurveda) = 12

Course Description:
Students will examine health issues that are of particular concern for the aging including diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease, high blood pressure. The course explores in detail the concept of rasayana or rejuvenation in Ayurvedic Medicine. Students learn dietary measures, herbal formulas, external therapies, and daily routines used as rejuvenatives to promote nourishment and tonification, strengthen the immune system and build strength.

Course Objectives:
1. Explain the Ayurvedic approach to ageing- jara and rejuvenation therapies-rasayana.
2. Categorize the classical Rasayana treatments in terms of herbs and substances. (rasa, virya, prabhava)
3. Produce a Rasayana plan for a client with a wide variety of clinical circumstances. (signature assignment)
4. Differentiate by dosha the primary jara vyaddhi.
5. Classify by srotasa how the vata stage of life effects each.
6. Create a general geriatric care management plan for seniors and their families. (signature assignment)
7. Recommend chikitsa (shodhana, shamana, brumhaha) per jara.
8. Explain the role of nidana panchaka in Ayurveda.

Course delivery method.:
Live (On Line)

Course Dates:
Oct. 12th 2-5pm, 6-8pm
Oct. 13th 9:30-12:30 pm, 1:30-5:30 pm

Start Time:
Oct. 12th 2 pm

End Time:
Oct. 13th 5:30 pm

Name (s) of Faculty Member (s):
Yashashree Mannur BAMS

Provider/Faculty Bio:
The mission of Mount Madonna College of Ayurveda in California is to educate and train future health professionals and empower them to use Ayurveda to transform individual health and community well-being. We envision Mount Madonna College of Ayurveda as a premier Ayurveda academic institution offering clinical and research education.

Course Registration URL: